TEBEOSFERA, journal, edited by the Asociación Cultural Tebeosfera (ACyT), was created in 2001 and since then publishes research, dissemination and reviews on comics and other media based on the still image. Since 2016 it has expanded its interests to popular culture in full, including popular literature, cinematography, illustration and games. The magazine is published every four months (three issues per year in March, July and November) under a non profit scheme. The Editorial Board is made up of members of the ACyT, including researchers and specialists in different disciplines related to the topics of interest, and has an international scientific committee composed by experts from outside the publishing entity. The journal is indexed by Latindex, DOAJREDIB, DRJIERIH PLUSDialnetDulcineaMIAR and has an OAI-PMH interface compatible with Dublin Core.


Formal aspects

1. Proposals to the journal should be sent by e-mail to, providing the author's name and surname and professional or institutional affiliation, if any. Texts should be sent in Word, in size 12, single-spaced, without underlining or differential design of headings, without inserted images and trying not to embed codes from fragments of texts copied from the Internet or other documents. The title of the paper should be as concise and explanatory as possible, and for design reasons may be subject to modification (with the author's knowledge). A summary of the content and conclusions in both Spanish and English should be provided, not exceeding 75 words. The author may propose up to six key words, also in Spanish and English. A section on methodology and state of the art should be included at the beginning of the paper, and clear conclusions should be included at the end (these sections do not need to be titled "methodology" or "conclusions", but these matters should be included in them). The bibliography should be placed at the end of the document under its own heading, not distributed in footnotes.

2. The title and headings (and sub-headings) of the document should be in bold type, but bold type should not be used in the rest of the document. Headings and subheadings should not be indented and may be numbered according to the level system (1; 1.1, 1.2; 1.1.1, 1.1.2... 1.2.1, 1.2.2... etc.); these are recommended, not obligatory. Italics should only be used to indicate the title of publications and series. Titles of articles or other types of works, as well as neologisms (including some barbarisms, but not foreign words) or turns of phrase that we wish to emphasize, should always be enclosed in high quotation marks (""), never in italics.

3. Quotations longer than four lines should be placed in a separate paragraph, without quotation marks, in lower body and additional margin on the left. Quotations incorporated in the body of the text should be enclosed in double quotation marks, preferably low quotation marks («»).

4. Footnotes have to be placed before punctuation marks, and should contain punctual clarifications or digressions but not bibliographical references. For the bibliographic citation immersed in the text, the so-called parenthetical referencing, or Harvard style will be used for citations: parentheses with author, year and page (Altarriba, 1999: 21-25), thus written, with initial capital letter only. It is recommended to avoid self-citations. Anonymous documents of periodical press should be cited as follows: "Title of the article", Title of the print, day-month in roman-year, (p./pp.) page/s. E.g.: "Los cómics de Pamplona", El Heraldo de Aragón, 14-IV-1987, pp. 4-5.

5. The bibliography at the end of the document will also follow the Harvard style or standard, that is, it will be cited following this criterion (examples are given below according to the type of document, although the bibliographic heading must be unique, without subdivisions):

a) Books:

MENÉNDEZ GUAZ, J. T. (2019): Historia y modelos de narratividad en el siglo XXI, Sevilla, Emblemáticas.

b) Chapters in books and collective volumes:

GARCÍA MARTINETE, M.-B. (2020): "Ferias sobre cómics y cosplay. El papel de los otakus en la promoción (1999-2016)", en Barrero, M.; González, A.; Martín, N. (eds.), Comunicación, cómic y viñetas, Málaga, Ayuntamiento de Málaga, pp. 43-49.

MATTELART G., y GONG, Z. (1999): "Comunicaciones y redes sociales sobre novela popular" en Gent, J., Vitch, X. y Wollet, W. (coords.): Friquismo y cultura popular, Sabadell, Museu del Friqui, pp. 222-257.

c) Articles:

LÓPEZ, F. (2018): "Abundando en la cuestión de los carteles gráficos", en Cartelismo e Imagen Popular, 33, 2015, pp. 14-16.

d) Internet documents: the guidelines of the previous sections shall be followed, but specifying the date of availability of the document and the electronic address, as expressed in the published documents themselves:

BARRERO, M. (2015): "Historietistas latinoamericanos en otros mercados, razones para el exilio. El caso de argentina", disponible en línea el 22-XI-2015 en:

6. In the case of reviews, a record of the work reviewed must be included, with the following information: name of the author(s), title in italics, place of publication, publisher, and year of publication. If the work is catalogued in Tebeosfera, only the link to its file is needed.

7. Texts may include charts, graphs or images relevant to its understanding. Tables and graphs should be self-produced and should be embedded in the text, across the width of the main text column. Images should be included in a separate folder, numbered and identified in their file title, already cropped if possible, with a size not exceeding 1 mb in any case. The author will provide a document with the image captions in correspondence with the numbering established for them, including in that caption the copyright indication following the formula "© Year Owner"; the author will always be responsible for the authorized use of images, which may be withdrawn if the legal owner demands it.

8. The author may provide other attachments to the work (pdf documents, videos).The editorial staff of Tebeosfera will judge if their inclusion is relevant and possible.

After the publication of the works, the journal declines any responsibility for typos or errors not noticed during the process, although it will be possible to correct them. However, the most important amendments must be submitted for discussion among the editors of Tebeosfera. As long as the Editorial Board's decision lasts, the author of the work will continue to be required exclusivity.

Substantive issues

1. Due to the singular characteristics of the topics usually dealt with in the journal, we are faithful to these criteria:

  1. We study popular culture as culture and its means of expression as media, which makes inadmissible the consideration or treatment of a medium as a genre when it is not (this is the case of comics). We demand respect.

  2. We give equal importance to all manifestations of popular culture media and treat all works with the same respect, regardless of their nationality, formula or marketing circuit or the age of their target audience. We will not segregate elites.

  3. c. We prefer not to abuse assumed prejudices, disdainful postures or dogmatic commitments with respect to formats, labels, currents, schools or phenomena, avoiding the pejorative use of certain terms (booklet, superhero, freak, etc.) or the praise of others by contrast (book, graphic novel, intellectual, art), in order not to undervalue people, groups or entities.

2. We follow the rules established by the Real Academia Española (RAE) when making corrections. Thus, we write in Spanish “comic”, “cómics“ and “manga”, as they are words included in our dictionary, but we will write others in italics because they are still considered foreign words: comic book, anime, mise en abyme, etc. For other spelling doubts that may arise or other questions related to wording, style, punctuation and denominations, please consult the Style Book, which is still in force:

3. All works published under the domain, unless expressly mentioned otherwise, will be licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0) license. That is, they can be shared and redistributed, and their reuse by third parties is allowed, provided that the source is properly credited and the resulting work has the same license. The works will always remain the intellectual property of their authors and will not be republished without their knowledge and permission. None of the original works collected will be used for commercial purposes by the ACyT. The improper use by other authors of the contents of the works published in the journal will not, in any case, be the responsibility of the ACyT.

Failure of the originals submitted for consideration to comply with these standards is sufficient cause for rejection or, where appropriate, request for modifications.

Finally, it should be noted that the editorial staff of Tebeosfera does not necessarily share the opinions expressed by the authors.